ConnectWorking le 3 mai 2016

Premier anniversaire pour BC Talents

May 3, 2016 6:30 PM
Dunn's Famous BC 827 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC
If you don't want to register here, you can go to the event's website by clicking here.
Canada Talents

Our promise

Our presentations will provide useful tips on job search, work-related issues, and Canadian culture. A specialist keynote speaker will give a presentation and facilitates a discussion with the audience.

It is also a time to brainstorm ideas, share experiences, and learn from each other. At the end of the event, people are encouraged to nurture their network in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Volunteers will be present at each event to answer your questions.

Become member to enjoy a free event.

BC Talents invite la communauté française à fêter son premier anniversaire. Plus de réseautage, de nouvelles façons d'aider les chercheurs d'emploi talentueux, de nouvelles offres : participez à l'événement pour découvrir les nouveaux services de l'association et de ses partenaires. La célébration est gratuite, avec un buffet et des réductions sur la nourriture.


Some of the members that joined us