Our presentations will provide useful tips on job search, work-related issues, and Canadian culture. A specialist keynote speaker will give a presentation and facilitates a discussion with the audience.
It is also a time to brainstorm ideas, share experiences, and learn from each other. At the end of the event, people are encouraged to nurture their network in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Volunteers will be present at each event to answer your questions.
Become member to enjoy a free event.
Bénédicte Flouriot, certified career and leadership coach, will give you many pieces of advice on how to export your skills from job to job for example, but also how to make your skills attractive for your next employer, even coming from a different field.
Our CONNECTWorking is held the first Tuesday of each month!
Our mission
We welcome members of the French community from all over the world, newcomers and workers, and invite them to learn about a work-related topic. A specialist speaker leads a discussion on an engaging and challenging topic with members of the audience.