Our presentations will provide useful tips on job search, work-related issues, and Canadian culture. A specialist keynote speaker will give a presentation and facilitates a discussion with the audience.
It is also a time to brainstorm ideas, share experiences, and learn from each other. At the end of the event, people are encouraged to nurture their network in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Volunteers will be present at each event to answer your questions.
Become member to enjoy a free event.
Claire Costa, business owner (Vancouver Kangen Water) and coach, will give us many pieces of advice on how to get informal interviews and what to say during those 'coffees' to reach your goal: getting a job interview or connecting with someone in the field that you are interested in for example. We all know that the hidden job market is important in Vancouver and this presentation will help you have a better understanding on how to get in.
Our CONNECTWorking is held the first Tuesday of each month!