Invest in your professional development!

Learn from experts who want to support your growth.

How we support your career development

Shared By Our Community

I felt I didn't know where to start my job search, how to structure my resume, elevator pitch, and cover letter. My Face-to-Face helped me to gain confidence during the job interviews I've had after that.
Anthony P.
arrived in
October 2018
Face-to-Face | Canada Talents


This one-hour meeting is designed to support your integration and transition to Canada. Our team has successfully overcome the changes that you are experiencing. With Canada Talents, you can gain access and take advantage of our knowledge and support.

Schedule a Face-to-Face
Job Boost | Canada Talents

Job Boost

We could all use a boost in our career development. Discover how you can overcome challenges you are experiencing by asking the questions that matter to you to land a job or improve your career in Canada!

Schedule a Job Boost
People discussing during a coaching session
Career Focus | Canada Talents

Career Focus

As you advance in your career, we support you with a customized goal setting plan. Career Focus will provide development sessions with various industry experts, curated to your needs to help you achieve professional greatness.

Learn more

Schedule a Initial Career Consultation Today!

Schedule a 10-minute discovery session with our team. Together we will review your options, learn about your goals, and develop the best plan of action for you. You will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding our offerings.

Our vision

The career clinic is designed to be an open-minded, confidential and constructive environment where you can develop your goals and the skills to succeed in Canada. We will support you at each step of the process, answering any questions and addressing all concerns.

Over the course of your career, you will face challenges. However, these challenges are areas of opportunity and growth. Most times, we try to handle them ourselves but at Canada Talents we encourage you to surround yourself with experts to help you overcome these challenges.

Since 2015, we helped more than 500 people transition into the Canadian worksforce, and we believe our unique and holistic approach will make a difference in your professional journey. In Canada, we have the opportunity to thrive and rediscover ourselves. Now is the time for you to grow your career!